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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Calorie Cycling - Fast Weight Loss With a Calorie Cycling Diet

Calorie cycling doesn't involve counting calories, though the name implies it. If you try to do it on your own, you may need to count calories carefully. But if you follow a ready-made calorie cycling plan, all the work is done for you. You'll only need to enter some foods you like and want to eat for about a week and a half. Then follow the list you're given, and voila, no calorie counting.

There's also no cycling involved, though you might have immediately pictured yourself furiously pumping a stationary bike's pedals. There's no exercise of any kind involved. Of course, you can exercise. Exercise has many health benefits besides speeding weight loss progress. So you won't be discouraged from exercise by any calorie cycling plan. It's just not necessary to see dramatic results like 9 pounds lost in 11 days.

You'll lose fat on a calorie cycling diet because every part of the diet is designed to promote fast fat loss. Sure, you could count calories and set a limit per day, exercise and count how many calories you burned, and try to create a long-term calorie deficit that way so you can lose 1 pound a week. Or you can take control of your life now and drop some fat fast.

How Does Calorie Cycling Work?

Your daily calorie intake changes every couple of days. Your body gets used to burning the same number of calories each day no matter what. Give it some different calorie amounts to work with and you perk up a sleeping metabolism so it can pay attention and keep up with you.

The foods you eat are designed to promote fat loss. Some foods like large amounts of simple sugars trigger your body to store those calories as fat. Other foods do the opposite. Fat burning hormones are released into your bloodstream to burn up those calories and then dip into your fat stores to burn some more.

You can stick to a calorie cycling diet easier because:

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