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Sunday, October 20, 2013

3 Weight Loss Methods to Try When Nothing Else Works

According to conventional wisdom, all you need to do in order to become slim is consume fewer calories and exercise more. These do work very well for most people. However there are some people for whom these weight loss methods do absolutely nothing.

There are people who exercise like crazy and stick to the most nutritious diet possible. When they do not lose any weight despite all their efforts they tend to blame themselves. Their feelings of self loathing and worthlessness increase with every failure to shed pounds and this can turn into a full blown depression.

In such cases, it is futile to insist on the techniques that have already failed. What they need is to try out new weight loss methods so that they can get their life back in order.

The first such method is the use of weight loss pills and medications. Some people's metabolisms do need to be kick started and these medicines are very effective at that. It would be best if you could use these medicines to give you a head start by boosting your metabolism while you continue exercising and sticking to a healthy low fat diet. You will be amazed at the results you achieve in a very short while as the weight loss effect of the exercises improves with your higher metabolic rate.

The second of the weight loss methods is hypnosis. This works particularly well in the case of people who use food to comfort themselves. Eating large quantities of fatty foods is just an addiction for these people and they cannot get over this habit no matter how hard they try. Hypnosis is extremely useful in cases such as these. Once the diet can be brought under control, the person can exercise without worrying that that their efforts are being sabotaged by a wrong diet.

When nothing else works and the person's health is at risk due to extreme obesity, surgery may be the only option. Extremely obese people face the added disadvantage that they are simply unable to exercise. Liposuction is a cosmetic solution where excessive fat is sucked out from specific parts of the body where fat has accumulated.

A more extreme surgical option is stomach stapling, where the size of the stomach is reduced so that the person simply cannot eat too much. A large meal will cause them to fall sick and therefore they are forced to lose weight.

For More Related Topics Blog: Help To Lose Weight Fast

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