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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Events May Occur in the Lives of People Who Have Had Weight Loss Surgery

An ironic turn of events may occur in the lives of people who have had weight loss surgery. At first during the lengthy process of deciding on this approach, preparing for surgery, having the procedure and in the rapid weight loss for 18 months afterwards there is only the fantasy of life as a thin person.

But when the process is complete a new reality sets in. Even when things go perfectly there may be mixed emotions with the results. Many obese people can't remember being thin. If the super obese have unrealistic expectations they may experience some depression and anxiety over the fact that just being thin doesn't solve all of their problems. Unemployment issues may still exist and the bullies they knew growing up may still be bullies with a different focus for their cruelty.

It is possible that they have become the focus of care giving significant others with whom adjustments to relationships may occur. Someone who was once entirely immobilized may have to make emotional corrections to the tendency to allow others to do all of the chores or perform all of the bread winners' responsibilities. There may be unexpected financial strain as well when disability or other government aid disappears for persons who become entirely able-bodied.

For young single patients there may be some problems with entering a social scene that they have been left out of for most of their lives. It may not be the rosy picture that they were expecting and this may lead them to regret their change in physical appearance and the social expectations of others.

These may be difficult times when a person is in the process of many medical, psychological and social changes. It may be as simple as finding that even a size 8 women may have trouble finding a pair of jeans that fit right. It may be as complicated as entering the dating scene at thirty. It is a time for sensitivity and support from family and friends.

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