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Monday, October 14, 2013

Increase Weight Loss by Reducing Your Cravings

Here are some wonderful ways to increase weight loss by getting control of your cravings. It can be so frustrating to be all ready to lose weight only to fall victim to nagging and sabotaging cravings but you don't have to give in to these desires if you have ways of dealing with them before they cause you to eat. If you would like to find out how to knock out your cravings then I encourage you to take just a couple of minutes to read this article.

Increase Weight Loss

1. Don't tell yourself you cannot have something. This is sure to back-fire on you because it is simple human nature to want that which we cannot have and as soon as you forbid yourself from eating something you strengthen your craving.

2. Get it out of the house. Another easy way to avoid the craving is to not have the favorite foods convenient to eat. Take a serious inventory of your house, car, office and anywhere else you stash snacks and get rid of them. Remind yourself that what you REALLY want is to increase your weight loss, not eat a candy bar.

3. Take a 15 minute walk. This gives you a double weight loss advantage. First of all you are burning extra calories from the exercise but also 15 minutes was the length of time researchers found that you had to walk in order to "forget" your craving.

4. Refresh your palate. A common time for cravings to hit is right after a meal when you can feel like you just want a little something extra, however this "little extra" can give you a ton of unneeded calories and ruin your chance of losing weight. Instead of eating, refresh your palate and get the taste of food out of your mouth. You can simply drink a glass of water or brush your teeth and presto, the craving is gone.

By reducing your cravings you will automatically increase weight loss, start using these tips during your day and you will love the results you get.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy And Quick Ways To Lose Weight

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